EU AI Regulations: Why Meta and Spotify Are Worried—and How to Protect Your Creative Work


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our digital world at lightning speed, but not without causing some serious concerns. Recently, the CEOs of Meta and Spotify spoke out about Europe’s AI regulations, warning that these rules might be holding back innovation and leaving European developers at a disadvantage. If you’re a creator worried about how your work might be used in this rapidly changing landscape, you’re in the right place. We’ll break down what these regulations mean for you and how you can protect your creative rights. 

Why Are Meta and Spotify Speaking Out?

Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) and Daniel Ek (Spotify) aren’t just worried—they’re sounding the alarm. They’ve criticized the EU’s AI regulations, calling them overly complicated and inconsistent across different countries. According to them, these rules make it harder for European developers to keep up with global competition. For instance, Meta was recently told by the Irish privacy regulator to hold off on launching new AI models in Europe due to data usage concerns. The result? European users might miss out on the latest AI innovations and get tech designed for other regions instead. 

What’s Going On with EU AI Regulations?

Europe is taking AI regulation seriously, aiming to make sure that AI is safe, ethical, and beneficial for everyone. Here’s a quick overview of what the EU’s AI regulations are all about: 
1. Risk Levels: AI systems are grouped by risk: 

  • Unacceptable Risk: These are the AI systems that could cause real harm—like those that manipulate people or use biometric data in real time. They’re banned outright.
  • High Risk: AI systems that could affect your safety or rights, such as those used in healthcare or law enforcement, are under tight regulation and need constant monitoring.
  • Transparency Rules: AI models that generate content, like ChatGPT, must clearly state that the content was AI-created and make sure it doesn’t break any laws. 
    2. Boosting Innovation: To avoid stifling creativity, the regulations also provide support for startups and small businesses. The EU requires national authorities to set up testing environments that mimic real-world conditions, helping companies fine-tune their AI models before they hit the market. 
    3. Protecting People’s Rights: The EU is focused on making sure AI is a tool for good. AI systems should always be overseen by humans to prevent any harmful outcomes, ensuring that technology enhances human decision-making, not replaces it. 

How Do These Regulations Affect Your Creative Work?

AI’s ability to learn from vast amounts of data—including copyrighted material—has sparked a major debate, especially regarding intellectual property (IP). Creators like Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon and comedian Sarah Silverman have taken legal action against AI companies for allegedly using their work without permission to train AI models. 
The big question revolves around fair use, a legal concept allowing some use of copyrighted material without permission. AI companies argue that training their models on existing content is fair use because they create something new. However, the courts are still figuring out if this really holds up when it comes to AI. 

What Can You Do If Your Work Is Used Without Your Say-So?

If you think an AI model has used your creative work without your consent, here’s what you can do: 
1. Keep an Eye Out: Set up Google Alerts to track where your work might be popping up online. 
2. Know Your Rights: Get familiar with IP laws, especially the concept of fair use, so you know what’s allowed and what’s not. 
3. Get Legal Help: If you believe your work has been unfairly used, talking to an IP lawyer is a smart move. They can help determine if you have a case and what steps to take next. 

How We Can Help

At KOREJZOVA LEGAL, we know the ins and outs of intellectual property law and can guide you through the tricky world of AI and IP. Whether you’re worried about your work being used without permission or need advice on protecting your creative rights, we’re here to help. 

V KOREJZOVA LEGAL známe zákoutí práva duševního vlastnictví a můžeme vám pomoci v orientaci v tomto složitém světě AI a IP. Ať už máte obavy o neoprávněné použití vašeho díla, nebo potřebujete radu, jak chránit svá tvůrčí práva, jsme tu pro vás.